Student Testimonial

“I have had the good fortune to be a participant in Insight Meditation retreats at Sangsurya since 2011. Led by highly trained and experienced teachers, dedicated to Buddhist traditions and committed to bringing the benefits of the Dharma teachings to retreatants. I was introduced to the techniques and practices of Insight Meditation by Patrick Kearney in 1998. 

A few years later I worked for a medical humanitarian aid organisation in Africa, in Asia and Central Asia, and PNG. I joined their peer support network, speaking to field workers on return from missions. My contribution to their work was informed by traditional Buddhist values of kindness, of compassionate and reflective listening. The teachings assist me in centring their occasionally distressing experience in context, using a mindful approach to calm and validate feelings. To highlight the positive nature of their humanitarian work and their contribution to humankind. Thus following the essential precepts of Buddhist traditions. Similarly in my volunteer work to the national phone counselling and support service for Australian pharmacists.

I have learned from the Dharma teachings and the teachers more than I can express in a few words here. The tenets of living a purposeful, honest, mindfully centred life, compassionate for others and for myself.

In turn I have witnessed the impact the retreats have on my fellow sangha members and listened to their reflections in the small group sessions during retreats. They speak of the transformative nature of the skills learned from the teachers and offered by the Dharma. I have made constant and true friends at Sangsurya.

The founders of Sangsurya expressly intended that it would be a place of spiritual integrity and spiritual transformation. That the Insight Meditation retreats would be affordable and accessible for people of all income levels. This tradition and ethos continues through their Trustees, and the Insight teachers who in the Buddhist tradition offer their expertise and teaching at no cost to retreatants and to Sangsurya. 

I express my deep appreciation and thanks to the teachers Will, Radha, Subhana, Carol, Patrick, Angela, Ellen and Alan. And to Shirsha and Sagaro who manage and maintain Sangsurya Retreat Centre for the benefit and spiritual peace of mind for all who enter its gates.”

Susanne Weress
MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) Accredited.